Now Writing Weekly Blogs As I Travel


About This Site

This site? It's a glorious chaotic clusterfuck of projects, thoughts, and tech-fueled rants.

By day, I'm your go-to developer, tech lead, and consultant, but come nightfall, I'm all about hacking away on whatever random project or piece of tech grabs my attention.

This site? It's a glorious chaotic clusterfuck of projects, thoughts, and tech-fueled rants, spanning the gamut from programming and photography to the wild world of AI

Honestly, my main goal here is to have a spot to dump all the stuff I work on, mainly for my own sanity. Each post is capped at a breezy 3-minute read because, let's face it, who has the time? I'm just here to throw some inspiration out into the universe, hoping it'll motivate someone else to get their hands dirty with the tech I'm messing with.